Coach House Study

In response and support of the initiative by the City of Chicago and in collaboration with Focus Development, bKL has embarked on the development of multiple design options for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). These design options provide an economical yet well considered approach to the increasing demand for affordable housing in the City of Chicago. The multiple arrangements that have been developed provide a variety of unit types and scales that can be arranged to properly respond to the different neighborhoods within the city.

Single Level Coach House

The single level coach house is designed to take the place and scale of the traditional alley garage. The existing scale along the neighborhood alley would be maintained while activating the “service” side of the house.

Two Level Coach House

The two level coach house is designed to allow for the dwelling unit to be located above the rebuilt garage. The dwelling unit is raised and provides an increased level of privacy for the resident.

General Project Inquiries

Anne Karlovitz


225 N. Columbus Drive,
Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60601
T 312.881.5999


309 East Paces Ferry Road NE,
Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30305
T 678.433.4201

Washington, DC

1 Thomas Circle NW,
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
T 202.464.2086


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